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  1. Hiveswap Act 1 Achievements
  2. Hiveswap: Act 1
  3. Hiveswap Act 1 Walkthrough
  4. Hiveswap Act 1 Characters
  5. Hiveswap Act 1
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Hiveswap: Act 1 STEAM digital. Delivers instanly online in your account or by E-Mail. A LOVE LETTER TO '90s ADVENTURE GAMES. HAND-ANIMATED IN TWO DIMENSIONS. MUSIC TO MAKE YOU WEEP. WORLDS TO SEE, TEENS TO BE. JUST GETTING STARTEDMonsters in the yard. Monsters in the house. Monsters in the hall, beating on your door. Your brother's trapped in his treehouse, so hes not gonna be.

This is a sub-page of HIVESWAP: Act 1.

  • 1Earth
    • 1.1Joey's Room
    • 1.6Living Room (2)
    • 1.7Kitchen
    • 1.8Treehouse
  • 2Alternia
    • 2.1Xefros's Gander Precipice
    • 2.2Xefros's Respiteblock
    • 2.4Xefros's Backyard
    • 2.7Dammek's Kitchen
  • 4User Interface and Miscellaneous


  • Here's some of the inks I did for act 2 as well as more cutscene bgs! My version of the Marvus Waves cutscene isn't the one in the game as there was a communication mishap and it got done twice, so you can have my forbidden take on that scene here lol also the hideous arm sculpture that didn't make it into the final.
  • On September 14, 2017, Act 1 of Hiveswap was released for Windows and Mac. A patch added Linux support on October 16, 2017.
To do:
Investigate the cutscene 'cover' images (particularly the Strife ones). The globe in the TS cover image is for some reason rotated.

Joey's Room

Joey's room has a few completely unused close-up views, which show that the posters on her wall used to be fairly different (in particular, with none of the names changed, though with other differences as well).

Posters Close-up

002c Posters_dark
002c Posters_light
This unused close-up view shows an earlier version of the posters on Joey's wall. For some reason, these images are 2120×1200 pixels (the standard size being 1920×1080). The differences in the final version of the posters when compared to this version are thus:

  • Dirty Dancing was renamed to 'Hot Steppin', and the design of the poster was changed.
  • Are You Afraid of the Dark? was renamed to 'Canadian Campfire Spook-ems' and the design was changed to a campfire.
  • The NeverEnding Story was renamed to 'The Story Keeps Happening', and the design was changed. The poster was also moved to the top-right of the wall, replacing the My Little Pony poster.
  • The Tiny Toon Adventures poster (which is rather clearly fan art) was replaced with one for 'Heal Rescue!'
  • A poster for 'Acorn's Shadow' was added where the poster for The NeverEnding Story had been.
  • The Super Metroid poster had its name removed, and the designs of Samus and Ridley were changed.
  • The Final Fantasy VI poster was removed, with a poster for the nonexistent Ginger Rogers film 'Star Avenue' taking its place.
  • Tetris 2 was renamed to 'Block Hustle' (though the name is not present on the poster), and the design of the poster was changed.
  • Mother 2 was renamed to 'Second Mom', and the design of the poster (notably removing Paula, Jeff, and Poo) and Ness was changed. The poster's location was also switched with that of the Bubsy poster.
  • The 'Bubsy in Supaw Clawsome Caturday' poster had its name removed, and its design was changed.

Closet Close-up

002a joey_closet_DARK_simonN
002a joey_closet_LIGHT_simonN
An unused close-up view of Joey's closet, also showing some of the earlier posters. There is not a version of this close-up without the Simon game.

Old Diary Close-up

002e joey_desk_diaryCLOSED-dark
An earlier version of the diary close-up view, with the closed diary already included in the image. Part of an earlier poster can also be seen. There is no corresponding image with the lights on, or corresponding images with the diary open. For some reason, this image is 2048×1152.

Hallway (1)

Located in sharedassets58 is an earlier version of the 'lights off' version of the background of this screen, present as a segmented texture (with two segments) and a separate texture with the objects in the background. There is nothing else in that particular assets file, and it is not the main assets file for this screen. A mockup of these textures combined, compared with the version of the background which appears in-game, can be seen below:


The differences are as follows:

  • The image was made generally darker.
  • The water pistol was recolored.
  • The doll to the right of the statue was changed to a reference to the Signless/the Sufferer (from Homestuck).
  • A blue and black dart was added on the floor beneath the doll.
  • Two objects in the lower-right corner of the screen and under the table had their color scheme reversed.

Oddly, this hallway would end up being used in Pesterquest instead of the final product in Hiveswap.

Hallway (2)

Hallway-2-BG-dark-*-* (Unused)
Hallway_2_dark_background_transparent (Used)

Lazors. An earlier version of the dark background of this screen (sans most of the objects) is present as a six-segment segmented image. The objects in the background are not present. There aren't any noticeable differences between this version and the used version, besides the lack of objects.

Half-Harley Half-Landing

Hidden Portrait
Final Portrait

The bottom-right corner of the staircase half-landing's background cannot normally be seen while playing, but it contains a totally different Blue Lady portrait than the one that's visible in the living room.

Substance painter 2021 crack. Substance Painter has smart materials, smart masks and integrated bakers, and a state of the art real-time viewport. Paint in 3D in real time. Artwork by Nikie Monteleone. Your painting habits, now in 3D. If you've ever used Photoshop, you'll feel at home with Substance Painter.


The landing also contains an unused view of Half-Harley Manor's garden, so presumably you were once able to look out at Jude's treehouse from the window beside the serpent statue. This version of the garden background is very slightly different, in that it's composed of two static opaque images (TreehouseExterior_background_01, TreehouseExterior_background_02) with a different painting of the night sky pre-composited (the moon's lower in the sky and more stars are visible), compared to the transparent tiles and animated background used for the final garden view in Joey's room.

Living Room (1)

It's impossible to access this screen after the door is broken, so these textures go unused. It's also impossible for the door to be broken before the power is turned on.

Living Room (2)

Broken Door Backgrounds

It's actually impossible to access/view this screen after the doors have been broken (since the Strife battle doesn't use any of the backgrounds here, but instead uses a separate one), and it's impossible to return after absconding from the battle. This leaves a number of backgrounds unused, some of which are double-unused due to the fact that the power is turned on long before the doors are broken:


Strife Covers

LS_background_cover (Unused)
LS_11_5_cover (Used)

The differences between the used LS_11_5_cover background (used as the background during the Strife battle in the living room) and the unused LS_background cover are thus:

  • The curtains were removed, to make way for the fluttering curtain animation. Some areas that had been covered by the curtain previously were replaced with drawn versions (these areas aren't fully visible in-game).
  • The image was made slightly darker.

Strife Intro Cover Images


There are two cover images for the Living Room Strife intro cutscene in the game's files, one in sharedassets44 and one in sharedassets51 (respectively). They aren't identical (LS_intro_cover is brighter), so one or the other must be used.

Other Unused Backgrounds

There are two further unused backgrounds in the form of segmented textures with 3 segments each, though two of the segments of the 'dark' version of the background are missing.



011b radio_Light_closed
011b radio_Light_openbatteries
There are 'lights on' versions of textures present showing the battery panel of the radio in the kitchen as closed, and open while filled with batteries. It is, however, necessary to take the batteries out of the radio before the player can turn the power on, and it is impossible to close the panel and/or place the batteries back into the radio, leaving these textures unused.

Broken Window


There is a texture for the broken window in the kitchen when the lights are off. However, the window is only broken after the power is restored.


The kitchen has two backgrounds named testscreen, one each for the lights being on or off (there is one other background named 'testscreen' in the game's files, of Xefros' backyard; see below). Both are segmented, with 60 segments each, a somewhat inordinate amount. The reason that the number of segments is so large is the fact that all segments of these images stick to widths and heights which are powers of two, as well as sticking to square segments. Other segmented backgrounds, including the few used ones, typically have segments with heights of 1080 pixels and don't stick to square segments, resulting in only two or three segments per background.



013b notes2_binoculars
013b notes2_NObinoculars

The close-up view of the branch in Jude's treehouse always uses the version of the image that doesn't show the binoculars, despite the fact that the binoculars are there for the entire time that Jude is playable; it's not even possible to pick them up. Despite this, there is a version of the image that shows the binoculars as being there.


This box is already present in the background of the screen, and is not a foreground object.


A view of the manor while the power is out. Jude isn't playable until after Joey restores power.

Textures showing the kitchen window and living room door as being broken, despite the fact that a) again, Jude isn't playable until after Joey restores power, and b) both of these things are only broken after the power is restored anyway.

Attic (3)

'Preview' images showing the portal in various states of activation. The activated/deactivated stages here don't seem to match up exactly with how the portal activates in-game.


Xefros's Gander Precipice

Unused Background

217_Balcony_background-*-* (Unused)
XefBalcony_background (Used)

A three-segment background showing the view from Xefros's balcony, with the beams present and the box already being opened (and a few other differences, such as the sky being present, and the text and lighting on the bus stop being changed). The beams are only seen in-game here in a pre-rendered cutscene, and this background is unused.


Three unused background elements; both Xefros's and Dammek's hives are already present in the used background.

Xefros's Respiteblock

Unused Background

211-XefrosRoom_background-*-* (Unused)
211_XefrosRoom_background_2ndpass (Used)

An older unused three-segment background. The differences in the used second pass are:

  • The lighting around the pool ball lights was changed slightly.
  • The door was removed (allowing for the animation of the door).

Red Light

An unused red version of the green light overlay used in-game. A mockup of this overlay placed on top of the room's background, compared with the same thing but with the used green light, can be seen below:

Unused red light
Used green light

Xefros's Kitchen

216_clean02-*-* (Unused)
216_kitchen_background_2ndpass-*-* (Unused)
216_kitchen_background_3rdpass (Used)

There are two unused (segmented, two-segment) backgrounds here, obviously representing first and second passes of the background. Note that one of 216_clean02-*-*'s segments is missing. The differences between the first and second backgrounds, where visible, are:

  • The foreground items were removed from the background image.
  • The fridge was closed.
  • The sky outside was replaced with transparency.
  • The lighting outside was changed.
  • The texture was made sharper and slightly less blurry overall.

While the differences between the second and third passes are:

  • The shadow of the clock's pendulum was removed from the background (since it would not have moved with the pendulum itself).
  • The occlusion outside was changed slightly.

Xefros's Backyard

Glacial Treehugger


An animation of Xefros's lusus riding his hoverboard. The sloth lusus can be seen boarding the hoverpad during the cutscene where Joey rescues Xefros, so presumably this animation was intended to be used during the end cutscene of Joey and Xefros riding Dammek's lusus through the streets of Alternia. The concept art for the ending cutscene (hidden in the 'sharedassets40' archive) also indicates this. The design of the hoverpad differs slightly from the one seen in-game (it's missing the horn-like prongs that jut out the back, and it isn't as vividly orange) so maybe the animation remained unused because of this discrepancy.


Another testscreen, this one with 37 segments, which, although not being quite as many as the kitchen testscreens' 60, is still a fairly large amount.

Dammek's Respiteblock

An unused close-up view of the drums and guns on the stairs.

Dammek's Living Room (3)

DAMLivingRoom3_background-*-* (partially unused)
The door in Dammek's living room cannot be opened at any point during the game (except when it is opened during a pre-rendered cutscene). There are however images which seem to imply that it was at some point possible to open the door, including the used background having an unseen view out of the door (where normally in-game there is an overlay of the door on top of it). Note that Xefros's backyard (in a destroyed state) can be seen.

A mockup of the full view of the screen with the opened door (sans the animations of the screens) can be seen below:

Dammek's Kitchen

Unused Backgrounds


Eve online: 1 month omega time download free. There are three backgrounds in the assets file for Dammek's kitchen, all in the form of two-segment segmented images, only one of which is used. The other two show, respectively, the kitchen with both the fridge and cupboard closed, and the kitchen with both the fridge and cupboard open. The used background (one of the few used segmented backgrounds in the game) is actually partially unused, since it is not possible in the final game to open the fridge from the main view of the kitchen (clicking on it switches to the close-up view of the fridge without any animations, and clicking away from it also does not use any animations), leaving the interior view of it here unused.

Fridge Animations

As mentioned above, in the final game Dammek's fridge is not openable from the main view of the kitchen. However; in the game's files there are unused animations (and corresponding sounds; see main article) for the opening/closing of the fridge from the main view.

Click here to view the opening/closing animations with milk, or here to view the opening/closing animations without milk. The animations will only display properly if your browser supports animated PNG images.

The framerates of these animations isn't apparent from the assets, so a framerate of ~15 frames per second was used in these mockups.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Concept Art

These three pieces of concept art for the game are present as two-segment textures in sharedassets37.assets, sharedassets39.assets, and sharedassets40.assets respectively. There is nothing else in any of those assets files. Also of note: there is text in the bottom-left of the second image which says 'repeat point'. The archive file containing the concept art of the balcony ('sharedassets37') has an associated internal level name '219 XEF Balcony 2', suggesting that Xefros' hive was at one point going to feature a secondary balcony (presumably accessed through the blocked doorway in the upstairs corridor).

User Interface and Miscellaneous

Character Icons


These higher-resolution versions of Joey and Jude's character portraits can be found within 'sharedassets0', along with an early version of Xefros' character icon that uses different artwork.

Inventory Icons

This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Apparently if the player has both the E-cell batteries and Xefros's microphone in their inventory (normally impossible in-game), they can be combined. Investigate this.

Xefros's microphone is out of batteries for the entire duration of the game, and so this icon is never used.

SpriteAtlasTexture-Item Icons-128x128-fmt12
Four item icons in a graphical style which doesn't at all match the one in the final game. It's likely that these were used as part of an example scene early in the game's development - the unused text associated with these objects can also be found inside the game's files.

!!! Cursor

These cursors can be found in the assets file for the Strife battle in the basement.

These ridiculously high-resolution (1964x1288) versions of the above cursors can be found in the assets file for the Strife battle in the trophy room.


An 800x800 image with Hiveswap‍ '​s logo in the centre.

A number of early unused cursors, some seen in the October 2016 trailer. None of these are used in the final game.

SpriteAtlasTexture-UI (Group 0)-1024x2048-fmt12

Some obviously fairly early UI elements.

SpriteAtlasTexture-UI (Group 1)-512x512-fmt12
Likely dating from around the same time as the previous spritesheet.

Loading_Game_1_1, Loading_Game_1_2, Loading_Game_1_3, Loading_Game_1_4
An unused loading icon, representing the Cherub Portal.

Triangle Preview

The Unity engine logo. This texture asset is never used.

Retrieved from ''

Within this guide is the steps needed to complete the first act. In addition to completing the game, there are missable achievements that you can earn by performing actions or using certain items on the enviroment and other items can earn these achievements, even just clicking on the right place.

Basic Information

As with all point and click adventure games, the cursor will change styles based on the actions you can take.

The pointer finger is to interect with that object as is. Sometimes you will get a menu to either look at the object or to perform a specific action like 'Equip' or 'Take'.

The eye allows you to look closer at the object in question and you will find more objects to interact with.

The feet changes your location when you click there. Moving from room to room, section to section.

This guide is to help you complete this ACT. However, nothing is stopping you from interacting with the eviroment and explore. Just remember to travel as long as you can before moving on. Sometimes you will find the strangest quotes when using items you have on the interactive objects.

Joey's Room

  • Optional: Click on the light switch.
  • 'Get' the walkie-talkie on the ground near the chair.
  • Click on the left side to move to another part of the room.
  • Click on the closet to open it.
  • 'Challenge' the Simon Says game. Click on the green button to end it.
  • Combine the Batteries or the Walkie-Talkie to be able to talk to Jude.

From now on you will be able to talk to Jude whenever the Walkie-Talkie is flashing a speech bubble with an '!'. By the way, play attention to the Walkie-Talkie from now on, beyond the first mentioning, you are on your own. Except with the tablet.

  • Click on the Walkie-Talkie to talk to Jude.
  • Click on the right side of the room to return to the other side.
  • 'Search' the plush dog, Puppy Surprise, to examine it closer.
  • 'Get' the keys.
  • Now head back the other way again. Examine the dresser with a book.
  • Use the Diary Key on the lock. 'Write' in the diary.
  • Once again go to the other side. 'Equip' the tap shoes.
  • Leave the room.


  • Click South of current location to head to over to section with the closet.
  • 'Open' the left door, that is the closet.
  • Use the Tap Shoes on the box on the top shelf.
  • 'Search' the box.
  • Click on the right side to return near Joey's Room.
  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT Go back to Joey's Room. Use the Pet Treats on the Bugsy poster for >DON'T ENCOURAGE HIM. Available until you acquire the Actic Key.
  • Click by the arch to head to the stairs leading to the actic.
  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT While here use the Ballet Shoes then click on the slinky for >HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL. Available until you acquire the Actic Key.
  • Attempt to 'Open' the actic door.
  • Return to the section of the hallway with the closet.
  • Click near the stairway to go down and keep going down to the living room.

Living Room (In the Dark)

Living Room

  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT/WARNING Use the Pet Treats on the bears here to attempt the achievement >THEY'RE STUFFED. If any of them was your last click, you got the achievement. Achievement has a two restrictions. If you missed the narwal in the basement, out of luck. Otherwise this achievement is available until you get the Actic Key.
  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT/WARNING There are three achievements affected by the removal of the E cell batteries from the remote on the table near the beanbag chair. Leave the batteries, you get >BATTER LUCK NEXT TIME when you beat the ACT. Take the batteries and you will instead get >CELL YOU LATER. Use the E Cell Batteries on the remote to get >NO. THEY'RE YOURS NOW. Make your decision on interaction with the remote before acquiring the Actic Key.
  • Head deeper into the living room until you reach the other side.
  • WARNING Due to the developer's foresight, if you get the D Cell Batteries before entering the trophy room, you will not be able to enter the trophy room. I tried, therefore I know.
  • Go into the trophy room which is the door on the right.

Trophey Room

  • There is nothing more you can do here, you cannot see siht.
  • You can click anywhere besides the door behind Joey and click 'Listen' to feel a bit spooked.
  • Go back through the door behind Joey to return to the Living Room.

Living Room

  • Head to the door on the left and enter the kitchen.

Kitchen (In the Dark)

  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT Click on the Pogs then click on the trash next to the fridge for >WHERE THEY BELONG. Achievement is available until you acquire the actic key.
  • Click on the radio.
  • 'Pop Open' the battery compartment, it has bandages on it, and 'Get Batteries'.
  • Back away from the radio.
  • Combine the D Cell Batteries and Flashlight to provide power.
  • WARNING If you sequence break and got the batteries before going to the trophy room, the door to the trophy room will be barred for some reason preventing you from getting in due to developers' foresight.
  • Head into the basement via the door on the right.


Under Darkness

  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT/WARNING Click on the Pet Treats and give it to the narwal for progress in the >THEY'RE STUFFED achievement. If you don't don't do this before flipping the breaker, well, sorry for your luck.
  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT For the Hula Girls, use the Tap Shoes and the Ballet Slipper on them for >MAY I HAVE THIS DANCE?. Availiable until you flipped the breaker.
  • Use the tap shoes on the pile of boxes to the left, now 'Flip Breaker'.
  • Leave the basement, or attempt to anyways.


  • Use Tap Shoes then the Serpent.
  • Use Ballet Slippers then the Serpent to abscond.

Kitchen (Lit Up)

  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT Use the Pogs on the fax machine, by the fridge, for >PERIOD-APPROPRIATE REFERENCES. Available until you grab the Actic Key.
  • Leave the kitchen and head back/over to the trophy room.

Trophy Room


  • Use the Pet Treats on the monster. Repeat two more times.
  • *Auto* Ascend the Echeladder!

After Strife

  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT/WARNING Use the Pet Treats on the deer and the lionese head for progress in >THEY'RE STUFFED. If one of them was the last one needed, then you got the achievement. If you forgot the narwal in basement out of luck. Otherwise, you have until you leave the trophy room.
  • 'Pull' on the Deer Antlers.

Jude's Treehouse Fort

  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT/WARNING Click on the pigeon cage right now, then each time when you sent it with the marbles. Click it before sending Frohike, after Frohike, and after Langley. Available during those moments mentioned.
  • *Optional* 'Open' the lockbox and get the flares.
  • *Optional* Equip the flare gun located in the box.
  • *Optional* Combine the Flares and the Flare Gun to arm it.
  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT Click on a window hidden between the desk and mystious figure sheet. Click on the figures in the distance for >ACTIVITY RECORDED. Available until the final strife is completed.
  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT While still at this window, clink on the flare gun then the evil-looking manor in the distance for >SEQUENCE BREAKING after performing the optional task. Available until the final strife in completed.
  • If you need to know the marbles needed click on the chart near the big window. You will need a red and green marble.
  • Click on the desk.
  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT Click on the cat's eyes twice, or any same marble twice. Available for this moment only.
  • Take the needed marbles and then 'Get Pouch'.
  • Use the Pouch with Red and Green Marbles on the pigeon cage.
  • Click on the desk, then the Pouch with Red and Green Marbles, then the pigeon cage. Repeat one more time.


Trophy Room

  • Head out of the trophy room and into the kitchen.


  • Click on the Magic Spice Mix nearby. You could have gotten this earlier whenever you were in the kitchen.
  • Use the Tap Shoes on the monster.
  • Use the Flashlight on the monster.
  • Use the Magic Spice Mix on the monster.

After Strife

  • Click on cabinet above the radio for a stale cracker.
  • Use the Stale Cracker on Byers.
  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT Return to the living and use Byers on the piano for >BIRDGEONING TALENT. Available until you aquire the Actic Key.
  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT Use Byers on every interactive selection possible thirty times for >SURELY HE HAS SOME ADDITIONAL PURPOSE.
  • Head back to the trophy room.

Actic Key and Problems

Trophey Room

  • Use Byers on the lion head.
  • 'Spin' the globe.
  • 'Take' the Actic Key.
  • Book it to the Actic!

Living Room

  • Keep going to the Actic!


  • Be Jude
  • 'Open' the the lock box for Flares.
  • 'Equip' the the flare gun.
  • Combine the Flares and the Flare Gun to load it.
  • Head to the big window and use the flare gun to fire a flare towards the manor.
  • Use the Flashlight against them
  • Be Jude and fire another flare towards the manor.
  • Use Flashlight again.
  • Be Jude and fire yet another flare.

After Strife

  • Book it to the actic.
  • Use the Actic Key on the door.


  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT Use the Magic Spice Mix on the mummy near the rifle for >SERIOUSLY, DON'T EAT THE MUMMY. Available until you leave for Alternia.
  • Head over to the covered object.
  • Click on the covered object and 'Remove' the cover.
  • Use the Strange Key on the lock in the contraption.

Someone's Hive on Alternia

Near Another Portal

  • 'Pick Up' the weird bug-like table nearby.
  • Chat with Xefros.
  • Pick up the sheets of paper nearby.
  • Chat with Xefros again.
  • Click on the console. Play the mini-game and beat it to restore power to the hive.

Dammek's Command Center

  • Chat with Xefros.
  • Look around the place three times until the table is flashing.
  • Chat with Xefros when it is.
  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT When Xefros asks Joey to say something an alien would say, reply with 'i'm a nightmare squid god.' to acquire >MELODIOUS CHIRPS AND TONGUE-CLICKS. Only available during this chat session.

Xefros' Hive

Gander Precipice

  • 'Open' the package for a Flarp manual.
  • Enter the respiteblock.

Hiveswap Act 1 Achievements

Xefros' Room

  • Use Telekinesis on the silver spoons to get a bent one.
  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT Used the Bent Spoon on the other bent spoons to get >CONVEXED. Available until you pick up the Scratchtech.
  • Examine the desk with the tablet and mic.
  • 'Pick Up' the tablet and mic.
  • Leave the room via the door on the right.


  • Head into the door on the right.

Rumpus Room

  • Use the Bent Spoon on the cuebat.
  • Leave the room.


  • Head down the stairs to the living room.

Living Room

  • Nothing much here, head to the kitchen on the left.


  • Name the sloth lusus
  • 'Get' the pusher playbook off the table.
  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT Combine the Pusher Playbook with the Cuebat for >PLAYING WITH POWER Available until you pick up the Scratchtech.
  • Open the refridgerator.
  • 'Get' the grub juice hydration cylinders.
  • Head back to the rumpus room.

Rumpus Room

  • Use either the Grub Juice, Pusher Playbook, or Telekinesis on the vault to unlock it.
  • 'Grab' the Sloth Treats.
  • Head back to the kitchen.


  • Give the Sloth Treat to the lusus.
  • Leave through the door.

Lawn Ring

  • 'Pick Up' the software box.
  • Comfirm the terms given to you.

Dammek's Hive

Command Center

  • 'Crawl' throught the now exposed vent.

Dammek's Bedroom

  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT Use Byers on the vent you came out of for >VENT FRUSTRATION. Available before you be the Deercat Rider.
  • 'Pick Up' the big book of beasts.
  • Use the Glowing Green Cube on the control panel near the door.

Living Room

Hiveswap: Act 1

  • *Optional* Interact with the panel next to you and fail to learn of the secret to beat it and to interact with Xefros.
  • Move to the section on the left.
  • Examine piece of paper on the computer to receive the password.
  • Return to previous section and interact with panel and beat it to release lockdown.

Hiveswap Act 1 Walkthrough


  • 'Open' the refridgerator and 'Get' the lusus milk.
  • Back out and check the cabinet near the door.
  • Combine the Lusus Milk with the Clean Bowl.
  • Head up the stairs.


Hiveswap Act 1 Characters

  • 'Get' the hoverpad.
  • 'Get' the vet medkit.
  • ACHIEVEMENT ALERT Use Byers on the pet treats, big book of beast, lusus milk, and the ver medkit for >JUNIOR VETERINARIAN. Available before you give the Deercat the milk.
  • Use the hoverpad on the pile of stuff.
  • 'Exit' to right back to the kitchen and give that deercat some delicious lusus milk to placate it. Now head around the other way to the living room.

Living Room

  • Use the big book of beasts to understand the deercat. Or Cuspidated Grimalkin to be precise.
  • Use the vet medkit to treat it.
  • Name the deercat.
  • 'Ride' the deercat, BE the rider.

Xefros' Lawn Ring

Hiveswap Act 1

  • Use the hoverpad on Xefros.
  • Depending on the acquirement of E Cell Batteries you will receive >CELL YOU LATER or >BATTER LUCK NEXT TIME.

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